The Buying Process  - International Buyers | Paradise Properties

The Buying Process - International Buyers

International Buyers

Buying Real Estate in St Lucia

The Alien Landholding License (ALHL) in Saint Lucia is a requirement for non-citizens who wish to purchase property on the island. Here’s what you need to know:

  • The application includes background checks and due diligence.
  • Processing time: Usually 3 to 6 months.
  • The license is property-specific, meaning if you buy another property, you need a new license.
  • The license is for your lifetime and does not need to be renewed
  • Development projects (e.g., building a hotel or resort) may require additional approvals.


The process for international real estate purchases in St. Lucia is outlined in the Alien Landholding (Licensing) Act #1 of 2020. 

An international person purchasing real estate in St. Lucia must obtain an Alien Landholding License. This is a 2-step process with an option to also apply for the Alien Investor Entrance Permit, which grants visa free entry for persons who have purchased real estate in St. Lucia. 



Application for a Certificate of Eligibility


For international buyers, the application for a Certificate of Eligibility is the first step when buying St Lucia real estate. The application is made to the Citizenship by Investment Unit. The Certificate of Eligibility prequalifies buyers for the Alien Landholding License. The certificate is issued for either 1 or 10 years. In the case of an alien that is a company, a notice of directors, beneficial owners or shareholders is required. You may find the relevant documents for the Application for a Certificate of Eligibility at the links below. 



Application for the Alien Landholding License 


An alien with a valid Certificate of Eligibility may apply to the Citizenship by Investment Unit for an Alien Landholding License. The application may also be made by an attorney on behalf of the alien. The license is valid for the alien’s lifetime and does not need to be renewed. An Alien Landholding License is valid for 1 property. There is no limit to the number of licenses an alien may hold. Please find relevant documents below. 



Alien Investor Entrance Permit 


A person with a valid Alien Landholding License may apply for an Alien Investor Entrance Permit. This grants the alien and their dependents the right to enter and remain in St. Lucia indefinitely. This application is made to the Chief Immigration Officer. 

Application for alien investor entrance permit


Are you buying a property in Saint Lucia? Paradise Properties Inc. will help you find the home that suits your needs and assist with the acquisition propess. Contact our real estate professionals to get on your way!

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