There are many reasons to choose St Lucia as your destination for international real estate. St Lucia is the Caribbean’s undisputed leader in romance tourism. The island has won the World Travel Awards' title of “Caribbean’s Leading Honeymoon Destination” 12 times. The island lives up to its reputation as the “Helen of the West”, the legendary beauty that launched 1000 ships. There are many one of a kind attractions not to mention numerous beaches and a verdant landscape. There is a stable economy and a peaceful political democracy. The county has strong international ties. It Is a member of the commonwealth, Franophonie and numerous other groups. Most of all, the people are warm, genuine and love their island. Here is a guide to everything you need to know about St Lucia.
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Relocation Tips when Moving to a New Country
14 Sep 2023
Relocating to a new country can be an exciting but challenging endeavor, especially when it comes to finding the right place to live. Here are our top 5 tips to someone relocating to a new country: Research the Local Real Estate…