saint lucia real estate

What are the Property Taxes in St. Lucia?

Property taxes in St Lucia are taxes levied on the ownership and value of real estate property, including land and buildings. These taxes are assessed and collected by the Inland Revenue Department on behalf of the government.

The amount of property tax owed is determined by the assessed value of the property, which is based on various factors such as location, size, and condition. Property taxes in St Lucia are calculated as a percentage of the assessed value of the property

Property taxes in St Lucia are due annually. The current property tax rates in St. Lucia are as follows:

  • Residential property: 0.25% of the assessed value
  • Commercial property: 0.4% of the assessed value

The Land tax rates are as follows:

  • 10 acres or less: nil
  • Between 10 and 50 acres: $0.25 per acre
  • Between 50 and 100 acres: $0.50 per acre
  • Between 100 and 500 acres: $0.75 per acre 
  • 500 acres and over: $1.00 per acre 

It is important to note that these rates may be subject to change, and property owners are advised to check with the Inland Revenue Department for the latest information on property tax rates and payment requirements. Additionally, property owners in St. Lucia may be eligible for certain exemptions or reductions in property taxes based on their circumstances, such as for low-income households or certain types of property use.

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