saint lucia real estate
WHALE WATCHING From Your St. Lucian Real Estate Property!?
Location: Paradise, St Lucia
Dear St. Lucia Real Estate Fan,
You confuse most St. Lucians.
Frankly, when internationals arrive at the airport they practically kiss the tarmac––and then they dance all the way to their hotel, or freshly built condominium, or their new home. They look happier than one might be if they had just won the lottery. Internationals often seem cheerier than the Dalai Lama himself.
Here’s something you probably didn’t realize:
St. Lucians don’t really “get” why you want the sexy beachfront view, the close access to all of the “hot-spots”, and most importantly, most St. Lucians have no idea why you are such a beach-o-phile!
There is a reason for this:
Most fish have been underwater their entire lives. They swim and breathe in water, and they don’t know anything about air. If you told a fish, “You are wet,” they would give you a curious blink and say, “Wet? What’s that?”
In that regard, my countrymen are a lot like fish. We are only mildly aware of our island’s jaw-dropping beauty. For example, I only started to think of St. Lucia as sunny and hot on registration day of my freshman year at Bennington College in Vermont…
Our Numbness To St. Lucia’s Beauty Astonishing!
In the 7th grade, my younger brother told me about another regular day of class: He was in a zombie-like state as his English teacher droned on about the day’s lesson when, from the corner of his eye, he saw something strange.
He sat next to the window in his class, and he had a clean view of the ocean and horizon right from his desk! What’s more, on that sparkling bright day, his peripheral vision picked up movement in the water that he’d never seen before. He turned and saw a school of whales passing by!
That was a wrap for English class that day…
My little brother had no idea that there are legions of internationals who are breaking their necks (and their bank accounts!) to get a property with the kind of view he got for free. And there are many lucky homeowners who have similar stories that they can brag about!
If you would like to be one of those people in the near future, I highly suggest you sign up to my newsletter, Paradise Properties. You will be the first to hear about a white hot St. Lucian Real Estate deal when it becomes available.
You know what they say, “The early bird catches the worm.”
Marketing Manager,
Paradise Properties Inc.